Vertical Synchronization, VSync, or vertical synchronization is an additional parameter for the operation of the video card driver. Enabling Vsync is usually of interest to avid gamers, as it can dramatically improve the graphics of many games.

Step 1
The activation of vertical sync can be done by the user in several ways. The simplest method is to call the desktop context menu by right-clicking on an empty space on the table and select the "Display" item. Expand the Display Properties link and go to the Settings tab in the dialog box that opens. Use the Advanced button and enable the desired function in the Wait for Vertical Sync section.
Step 2
To programmatically enable vertical sync in OpenGL, use the code:
void set_vsync (bool enabled) // true
wglSwapInterval = (PFNWGLSWAPINTERVALEXTPROC) wglGetProcAddress ("wglSwapIntervalEXT");
if (wglSwapInterval) wglSwapInterval (enabled? 1: 0);
Step 3
Use DirectX 9 to enable vertical sync. To do this, before starting D3DDevice, change the parameter value
g_d3d9Parameters. SwapEffect to D3DSWAPEFFECT_COPY. Then also set the g_d3d9Parameters. PresentationInterval parameter to D3DPRESENT_INTERVAL_ONE.
Step 4
To enable nVidia vertical synchronization, open the context menu of the computer desktop by clicking the right mouse button and select the "nVidia Control Panel" item. Open the "View" menu of the upper service panel of the opened dialog box and select the "Advanced" item. Expand the "Manage 3D parameters" node in the tree on the left side of the control panel window and select the "Enable" command in the drop-down list of the "Vertical sync pulse" line in the next dialog box. Save your changes by clicking OK and reboot the system to apply these changes.
Step 5
Please note that sometimes a slider rather than a dropdown menu may be used. In this case, you need to move the slider to the extreme right position.