From time to time, each person needs to keep important files for him as long as possible. And willy-nilly, the brain begins to work hard on how to do it. Considering all the variety of modern technology, loud advertising slogans of manufacturers and prices in stores, you slowly begin to look for something simple but reliable. And what could be simpler and more reliable than the good old disk….

Step 1
There are several ways to write the necessary files to disk. The first is to use the services of the Nero program. The second is to use a regular recording master. But first things first, starting from the end.
Step 2
So, the recording master. This feature is built into most Microsoft operating systems. This offering requires a drive that supports the recording function to function properly. Then everything is simple - insert an empty disk (also called a blank) into the computer's drive, open the folder of this disk through autoload, and drag and drop the empty disk space with the necessary files. Then in the left part of the window we find the item "write to disk", click it - and the process is started. After a few minutes, all data will be successfully saved.
Step 3
Now let's go back to the Nero program. This program is the most popular among users, since the accessible interface and ease of use undoubtedly attract the attention of not only experienced users, but also beginners who are just beginning to take steps in this huge computer world.
Step 4
The recording principle is as simple as in the previous version. After inserting the disc into the drive, the autorun window will pop up, where you need to find the item "burning to disc using Nero". By clicking on this icon, the above program will start automatically. We will only have to adjust the recording parameters and press the coveted "burn" button in the lower right corner of the window.
Step 5
After several agonizing minutes of waiting (or even less than a minute - it all depends on the amount of material being recorded) all valuable files and folders are safely stored. And by the way, according to the assurances of popular disc manufacturers, their shelf life is approximately seventy years.