There is a computer, the desire to work on it is also, but it is not clear where to start? You can use several sources of information, or you can choose only one that is most acceptable for you.

Step 1
Scientific poke method. The method is not very effective, but it helps someone. Most often, children learn this way, who have no fear of complex technology.
Step 2
Textbooks and various tutorials. The shops are now full of books with instructions "for dummies"
Step 3
PC courses. Firms that provide such services can be found in reference books, sometimes free training is offered at the employment service.
Step 4
Friend's advice. Remember all the advanced "users" who could advise you something sensible. The best option is if a patient consultant sits next to you for several evenings and helpfully helps you to poke in the right places with the mouse, but consultation by phone is also a way out.