Problems with loading the operating system can arise both for technical reasons and in connection with software malfunctions. Thus, in order to understand why the OS does not start, it is necessary to check each of the possible reasons.

Software glitches
If we talk about software failures in loading the operating system, then it is worth highlighting two main factors. The first factor is BIOS settings, that is, the settings for the main I / O system. The second factor is errors in the bootloader of the operating system itself.
If, when loading the OS, some error occurs after the start of the process, then you need to open the menu for selecting operating systems. Restart your computer and press the F8 key while loading information from the hard drive. A menu for selecting options for loading the operating system will open. Select the "Return to operating systems selection" line at the bottom of this list. A list of all operating systems installed on this hard disk appears. Pay attention to whether the first OS in the list is the one to boot. If this is not the case, then you need to change the boot order. So, select the OS you want and press the Enter key. After the system boots up, open "My Computer", click on the "System Properties" button and select "Advanced system settings" on the left side of the window. Next, in the "Advanced" tab, find the "Startup and Recovery" section and click the "Options" button. Select your OS in the "Loading the operating system" section and click the "OK" button. Restart your computer and check if the OS boots correctly.
If when the computer boots up, the operating system you need is not in the OS list, then you need to check which hard drive is being loaded. Of course, this option is only possible if you have multiple hard drives installed on your computer. In order to check which of the hard drives is loading, restart the computer by pressing the F2 key from the very beginning. Open BIOS. Navigate to the Boot section using the arrow keys on your keyboard. This section lists the boot order of devices. Determine at what stage the hard drive is booting, select it and press the Enter key. Select the hard drive where the OS is located. Press the F10 key to save the parameter changes and reboot.
Technical problems
If none of the above methods helped you, then the reason lies either in the complete inoperability of the OS, or in the malfunctioning of any computer device. In the first case, you need to reinstall the OS. Technical problems, as a rule, are associated with hard disk problems. Check the power contacts of the hard drive in the system unit of your computer and replace the power plug with another free plug. This procedure will make the hard disk work stable.