One great way to prank a friend with a good sense of humor is to change their mailbox password. First of all, make sure your friend really has as good a sense of humor as you think, and be prepared to improvise - you need a little acting to pull off this venture.

Step 1
Register an account on the social network. It is preferable to register a female account - then the risk that this account will be suspected or ignored by your friend will be minimal. In addition, it will be much easier to find out what interests you.
Step 2
Chat online for several weeks. Add friends, upload photos, music, videos, and chat as much as possible. Try to add more friends so that your account does not look suspicious. After a few weeks, join a group your friend often visits.
Step 3
Comment and create new messages, enter into discussions with him, trying to get his attention. This is necessary so that further adding to friends is not suspicious. This period should last at least a week. After that add him as a friend.
Step 4
Communicate with your friend on topics of interest to him, try not to go too far with personal communication - your dialogue should be light and unobtrusive. Build trust and keep him interested.
Step 5
In order to change the mailbox password, there is a secret question that is specified by the user during registration. Find out this security question. When communicating with your friend, try to discreetly move to the topic that this question concerns. It is desirable that the dialogue be conducted in a semi-joking manner. Disguise the secret question as a tricky joke and find out.
Step 6
After you find out the secret question, change the password on your friend's mail and, "suddenly", lose interest in him. After that, write to your friend from your account and tell how you did it, and then return his mail to him.