How To Take A Screenshot Of The Screen On A Computer: All Ways

How To Take A Screenshot Of The Screen On A Computer: All Ways
How To Take A Screenshot Of The Screen On A Computer: All Ways

If you need to take a screenshot of the screen on your computer, you should choose the fastest and most convenient way to achieve your goal. There are many ways to get a so-called screen, and it's up to you which one to use. It is enough just once to understand this procedure in order to successfully perform it later.

Taking a screenshot of the screen on a computer is easy
Taking a screenshot of the screen on a computer is easy

How to take a screenshot of the computer screen using the keyboard

A button on the keyboard called Print Screen is responsible for taking a screenshot of the screen in Windows 7, 10 and earlier versions of the system. Most often, its abbreviated name is indicated - Prt Scr. The key is usually located in the upper center or right side of the keyboard, just behind the F1-F12 row. Before clicking on it, make sure that the screen is displayed exactly as you want to capture it. The most difficult thing for a beginner begins after clicking on Print Screen, because at first it is not clear where the screenshot is saved. But it is the user himself who determines the path of the location of the screenshot, for which you will need to perform a few more steps.

Open any image editor, for the role of which the standard Windows program - MS Paint is quite suitable. The application is located in the section of standard programs, which can be accessed through the Start menu. Once MS Paint starts, click on the "Edit" menu item and select "Paste." The screenshot of the computer screen you made will immediately appear in the main field of the program. The same action of inserting an image can be performed using the key combination Ctrl + V. Make sure that you are satisfied with how the screenshot looks. Otherwise, you can use the program's tools to fix it, for example, select and crop excess edges or flip the image. After that, go to "File" - "Save as..", where you need to specify the folder to save the screenshot and click "Save". The image will immediately appear in the selected folder and will be available for further use.

Here are the advantages and disadvantages of the described method to take a screenshot of the screen on a computer using the keyboard. Its advantages are as follows:

  • comparative simplicity and availability;
  • compatibility with all versions of Windows;
  • data security.

Despite the number of actions required to obtain and save a screen, the "Print Screen + Paint" method remains the most accessible and understandable for both beginners and advanced users. To obtain an image, it is not necessary to resort to the help of third-party programs and people, which allows you to prevent the leakage of personal data and infecting your computer with viruses. However, this method also has disadvantages:

  • a large number of actions;
  • tangible time costs;
  • dependence on the keyboard.

The method of capturing the screen through the Prt Scr key takes some time to get used to, so there is often confusion in the sequence of actions, which is why you have to turn to the help of specialists again and again. In addition, not everyone may have a workable keyboard with the desired key at hand, so every self-respecting user of a personal computer is obliged to figure out additional ways to get the coveted picture.

How to take a screenshot of the computer screen if there is no Print Screen button

Many users are interested in how to take a picture of a computer or laptop screen if the required Print Screen button is missing? For a start, it's still worth looking for it, because, as mentioned earlier, it can be called differently: Prt Scr, PrScr, or even just have a screen icon. The location of the key may also vary depending on the equipment. However, the oldest computers, which are still installed in many Russian offices, do not really have a Print Screen button. In this case, special programs will come to the rescue, with the help of which you can easily take a screenshot of the screen on a computer or laptop. Also, applications will be an excellent solution for those who just want to reduce the time for creating and saving a screen.

There are a great many different programs for creating a screenshot, but it is best to immediately pay attention to the simplest and free applications, which, at the same time, have long proven themselves well among ordinary users. If you try to install the first program that comes across the network, there is a great risk of simply not understanding all of its functions, or, even worse, picking up a virus from the site on which the cybercriminals operate. So, Lightshot is considered to be one of the best apps of its kind. The program is quickly installed and integrated into the system, starting to run when it starts. In the settings, you can assign any key to take a screenshot, while after pressing it, the image is immediately saved to a user-friendly folder. Thus, the screen is created in just one step.

You can use the closest analogue of Lightshot - the Screenshot program, which has similar functionality, and which also allows you to take a screenshot of the screen in one action. Snagit and Clip2net are quite good in terms of convenience, which also have their own image editor, which allows you to quickly and easily process the resulting screen. However, there are some downsides to the way you can take screenshots using apps:

  • not compatible with all Windows versions;
  • deterioration in system performance;
  • time spent on development.

Alas, most programs do not actually work on the oldest computers, and if installed, they significantly slow down the system with a weak hardware configuration. In addition, it will take some time to learn all the functions of the program and remember how to use it. However, in the future, the process of creating screenshots can be simplified tenfold. Thus, each user decides in his own way which method suits him best. If you rarely have to take a screenshot of the screen on your computer, it will be enough to remember the "Prt Scr + Paint" procedure, but if such a need arises every day, you should think about choosing a suitable program for convenience.
