Torrent is a file sharing system that works according to the following principle. Users who have already downloaded the file begin distribution, and subsequent downloads of files are carried out from their computers. In this case, the file is divided into parts ("Feasts"). Therefore, the download speed will change every minute, and it will depend on the upload speed of those users who are currently running the torrent client.

The question of torrent speed is asked by many users. It can depend on various factors. First, the download speed depends on your data plan. If you have it, for example, 25 mb / sec, then this will be the maximum download speed of files. But there are also factors beyond your control.
One of them is the number of users who download and distribute this file. For example, if you download a file at maximum speed, and it drops sharply. This can happen later that the user who distributes it turned off the computer, or his Internet was disconnected. Therefore, the torrent downloads slowly. Either other users also upload this file, that is, the number of peers has increased, the traffic of the distributors is now distributed to them. It can also cause slow torrent downloads. Thus, pay attention to the number of distributors (seeders) and pumpers (leechers) before uploading the file.
Also, the torrent speed may depend on the internal settings and the torrent client itself. Check if there is a download speed limit in it. To do this, go to the "Settings" item in your application, for example, M-torrent, find the "Maximum download speed" item there. In some programs, these restrictions can be set from the context menu on the program's tray icon. Check how many files are downloaded at the same time, if it is two or more, then the volume of your Internet channel is divided evenly between them.
The slow download speed of the torrent file may be due to the fact that programs connected to the Internet are running on the computer. They also occupy the internet connection. For example, instant messaging clients, mail agents. Also, some applications may have an auto-update function, it is best to turn it off.