How To Whiten Teeth In Photoshop

How To Whiten Teeth In Photoshop
How To Whiten Teeth In Photoshop

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It's no secret that with the help of the AdobePhotoshop program, you can correct many annoying errors that emerged only after the photo session. But there is one of the many ways to correct the color of human teeth, it is available to users who are not even very good at using this program.

How to whiten teeth in Photoshop
How to whiten teeth in Photoshop


Step 1

Load the image. We carefully study the color scheme and the nature of the lighting captured in the photo. This is very important so that after color correction the "improvements" we made do not create a comical effect, but really embellish a person. There is a misconception that the whiter the teeth, that is, the less they have their own color, the better. This is not true. Imagine if a room is lit by a colored lamp, such as a blue tint. Then the snow-white shirts look light blue, white tablecloths too, the whites of the eyes gleam blue, but for some reason the model's teeth have a neutral - dirty gray tint. In the real world, this cannot be, or rather it can be, if the model has serious diseases of the oral cavity. This needs to be understood before we get into the color grading tools. The healthy teeth color in the image is the color of white objects in a particular lighting situation.

Step 2

Let's get to work. Using the tool from the Lasso set, select the area to be processed on the image. Before starting to outline the contours of the teeth, set the Feather parameter to 3-5 px, this will make the edges of the selection smooth and soft, which is more natural. We carefully follow the border of the teeth and gums, in difficult situations making allowances towards the tooth enamel, because the rims repainted in an unnatural color on the lips and gums are not the best face decoration.

Step 3

Align the color of the teeth. To do this, use the Photo Filter (menu Image> Adjustments> Photo Filter …). Switch the selector to the Custom Color mode, Now it's time to remember about the scene lighting. If there are white objects in the image, it will be easier for us. Click on the box that sets the Custom Color and move the cursor (its appearance has taken on the shape of an eyedropper) onto the image. We click on that place of the image (white cloth, paper, wall, or, finally, the whites of the eyes), which can give us information about what color the model's face is illuminated with. It must be remembered that highlights are white spots that are out of the dynamic range of the picture in brightness, for example, lamps or bright glare are not suitable for us - after all, human teeth do not glow, therefore they cannot look as white as light bulbs.

If there are no suitable white objects in the image, then the color will have to be selected at your own peril and risk. Imagine in your mind what shade the white surface would acquire if it were next to a person in this image, find and set this color on the color field in the settings window. Remember that even with the most correct lighting, the enamel of the teeth is still not neutral, but has its own color - a light natural shade of ivory.

It is recommended to set the Density parameter (effect density) to a value of about 70%, however, this can vary. Observe how changing it affects the picture.

Technical tip: If the selection outline - the flickering dotted line around the teeth - is preventing you from seeing the image, you can temporarily suppress it by pressing Ctrl + H. Do not rush to remove the selection at all, it will still be useful to us.

Step 4

Once you finish aligning the color of your teeth, you can slightly add brightness and clarity to them. To do this, just use the simplest tool - the Brightness / Contrast panel (menu Image> Adjustments> Brightness / Contrast). Just don't overdo it with highlighting the enamel. When choosing a parameter, look at the picture as a whole so that the shine of the model's teeth “does not obscure the white light” - this will obviously not benefit the artistic image, it will make the image fake.
