How To Enable Hidden Folders In Windows 10

How To Enable Hidden Folders In Windows 10
How To Enable Hidden Folders In Windows 10

With the release of Windows 10, there are a lot of innovations. Users who are accustomed to previous versions do not always understand how to make any customizations. there is no familiar interface here. But in reality, in Windows 10, everything is much simpler than it seems. Next, let's look at how you can enable the display of hidden folders and files.

Hidden folders
Hidden folders

Show hidden folders

In any version of Windows, including dozens, there are many system folders and files, some of them are hidden from our eyes. But it happens that there is an urgent need to see such folders. And if you have such a need, this can be done in several ways. Let's present the most common ones.

The first way is the fastest

To enable the function of displaying hidden folders, you must open the explorer, you can also go to any folder or drive "C" or "D". This will happen most quickly when you press the "Windows + E" key combination. This will open "This Computer".

Then you need to select the "View" item in the main menu. After that, you need to find the "Show or hide" submenu and tick the "Hidden items" item in it.

After these steps, all hidden folders will become available for viewing. For understanding, it is these folders that are hidden, they will have a translucent background.


The second way - takes a little more time

The second method is used a little less often, but also worthy of attention. To do this, open the "Control Panel". The easiest way to do this is by clicking the "Start" button located at the bottom and left of the screen. Then in the context menu, find and select "Control Panel".


After opening the "Control Panel", in the item "View", which is located at the top right, select the line "Large icons". When the view of the "Control Panel" is changed, new icons will appear, among which it is necessary to find "Explorer Options", also possibly the name "Folder Options".


After that, a window will open in which you need to go to the "View" tab. In this tab, the patient will be presented with a choice of all kinds of parameters. We are interested in the "Additional parameters" category, in which the items should be found:

  • "Hide protected system files (recommended)" - check this box.
  • "Hidden files and folders" - here you need to switch the switch to the item "Show hidden files, folders and drives".

Now it remains to click the "Apply" button and close all open windows. As a result, you can see all the hidden folders on your computer and freely enter them.
