When buying a mobile computer, you need to pay attention to many parameters. It is very important to choose exactly the characteristics of the laptop that you need to perform specific tasks.

Step 1
Select the screen size for your future laptop. Remember that large mobile computers weigh a lot. This makes them extremely inconvenient if you plan to constantly take your laptop with you. The optimal screen diagonal for a mobile computer is 14-16 inches. Most often, you can find a laptop with a 15.6-inch screen.
Step 2
Select the central processing unit of the mobile computer. If you do not need a powerful laptop, then it is better to choose a CPU with two cores. This device will work fast enough without consuming a lot of energy. This will slightly extend the operating time of the mobile computer without being connected to the mains.
Step 3
Think about which video card you need. Naturally, it is better to use a full-fledged discrete graphics card to run 3D applications and games. If you plan to work only with office applications, sometimes being distracted by "light" games and viewing multimedia content, then it is better to purchase a laptop with an integrated video adapter. Firstly, this will save several thousand rubles, and secondly, it will increase the battery life.
Step 4
Currently, there are laptop models with two video cards. Choose this model if you plan to use your mobile computer for versatile tasks. Determine the required amount of RAM. Practice shows that an ordinary user does not use more than two Gigabytes of RAM. If you have chosen a model with an integrated video card, then the amount of RAM should not be less than three GB.
Step 5
Study your laptop case carefully when purchasing. Check for visible damage and scratches. Check that all additional elements of the mobile computer, namely: charger, battery and technical documentation, are packed in separate bags.