With the advent of the so-called smartwatches on sale at more or less affordable prices, many ask themselves the question - to buy or not to buy? Let's think about whether a smart watch will be useful for you, whether or not you want such a toy for adults …

To begin with, let me remind you that the ideas of smart watches have been embodied in various watch models since the end of the 20th century. Electronic gadgets were produced in the form of watches, which were able to memorize text, save files and folders, and even had the ability to connect to a PC via wireless communication channels. However, they became really useful with the proliferation of mobile gadgets.
So, the first criterion for the need to buy a smart watch is if you have a smartphone, in connection with which this watch will work. Smart watches will allow you to take your smartphone out of your pocket much less often, while allowing you to track important calls and messages in time. Of course, there are watches that do not need a smartphone for this (they work as a standalone mini-smartphone), but more often smart watches are still produced specifically for pairing.
Also, depending on the capabilities of a particular model, a smart watch can be useful as a fitness bracelet, navigator, alarm clock, etc.
Of course, there are watches that work with gadgets based on the Android OS, as well as hardware lovers from Apple.
Thus, before buying, think over what features you need, read detailed descriptions of different models on the Internet, watch videos in which the owners of such watches tell how and why they use their purchase. Remember that not every watch model will be able to interact with your smartphone, this issue should also be clarified on the watch manufacturer's website.
What criteria are still worth thinking about? They are not so important, but, nevertheless, they can influence your choice:
- Clock design. By the way, before buying, you should go shopping and try on a couple of models, because smartwatches are still quite massive.
- Battery capacity and display type. Remember that a black and white screen based on "e-ink" is the least energy efficient.
- Price. You shouldn't spend too much, but you shouldn't buy a very outdated model with a minimum of features.