With the functions that computer components perform, everything is more or less clear. The processor counts, the video card builds three-dimensional graphics and displays the image on the screen, RAM provides data exchange and "work space", and information is stored on the hard disk. The case, as it seems, performs only a "packing" function, and performance does not depend on it. However, this is only partly true.

It is necessary
Basic knowledge of computer technology
Step 1
First, decide on the level of the selected case. The most inexpensive option when assembling a computer is to purchase a case that is already equipped with a power supply unit (PSU). However, most of these cases are suitable for assembling the simplest configurations of computers, due to their low power and often low quality power supplies. This is not surprising, because a good case without a power supply unit itself costs more than such a kit. There are exceptions to this rule, but the price of a high-quality case, equipped with a good power supply, is about twice as high as that of most budget models. But when assembling an office computer, it makes no sense for you to spend money on a powerful power supply unit, and what is simpler will do, if only the overall workmanship and warranty are acceptable.
Step 2
One of the main functions of the case is to ensure proper cooling of the components installed in it. The ability of the chassis to perform this task is determined by the presence and size of the ventilation holes, as well as the fans installed in it. Whenever possible, choose the case that will provide the best cooling.
Step 3
Another case-dependent parameter is the volume of the computer. The thicker the metal from which the case is made, the better it "dampens" sound and vibrations.
Step 4
The body should be as spacious as possible, but at the same time fit into the dimensions of the workplace. Before choosing a place, determine its maximum dimensions by measuring, for example, the width, height and depth of the computer desk niche.
Step 5
Appearance. It does not affect the characteristics of the case, and the only advice that can be given is not to buy a case just for its design, as beautiful externally cases are often of mediocre quality. It is better to pick up several models that are suitable in terms of parameters, and already from them choose the one that you like more outwardly.