While working on the computer, you may suspect that the processor is unstable or malfunctioning. Processor malfunctions cause the entire computer to become unstable. In order to dispel doubts about the correct operation of the processor, it is necessary to test its performance.

It is necessary
Computer, processor, archiver and large file, initial computer skills
Step 1
The easiest way to troubleshoot a processor is to replace it. If you have the opportunity to use another, exactly the same processor for some time, you need to remove the "suspicious" processor from the motherboard socket and install another one.
Step 2
The processor's health can be verified by testing with special software. There are currently many diagnostic programs available for download on the Internet. After downloading such a diagnostic program, run it and test the processor's performance. Moreover, this software allows you to test not only the processor, but also the motherboard, video card and other elements of the computer.
Step 3
But most of the diagnostic programs are paid. If you are not engaged in testing computer equipment on a professional basis, then buying such a program will be inappropriate for you. There is a free way to test the processor. To do this, you will need any archiving program (ZIP, RAR) and a large file, which will take several hours to archive. Try zipping this file. If the archiving fails or the archive becomes inoperable after the file archiving process, then this is a clear sign that your processor is malfunctioning. During archiving, the main load is transferred to the processor, and long-term archiving is likely to reveal failures.