You can create a convenient, visual, beautiful poster using special software tools. These software components allow you to customize the poster margins based on the needs and preferences of your users.
It is necessary
Software component nCatalogues 1.5.26 "Universal catalog", information about the upcoming event and its organizers
Step 1
To create a poster, run the nCatalogues 1.5.26 Universal Catalog software component on your computer. You can download a similar program on the developer's website or purchase a licensed version on the retail network.
Step 2
Create and customize the "Poster" section, first by setting its name.
Step 3
Designate the root of the directory, simultaneously choosing the type of such - a list or a table.
Step 4
Next, you should note the number of fields in the list.
Step 5
Check the sorting permission of the poster, for example, search by tags.
Step 6
Include post ratings to gauge event progress and popularity.
Step 7
Highlight new posts so that users can see event updates over a period of time.
Step 8
Define your data structure. To do this, enter the name of the event, location, city, contact information for inquiries. Place text informing directly about the event itself.