When playing S. T. A. L. K. E. R. Shadow of Chernobyl”many questions and difficulties arise. A considerable number of them refer to the passage of two storyline tasks related to laboratories X-18 and X-16.

Step 1
To get to the X-18 laboratory, where you need to find documents, you will need two key cards from the previous tasks: "documents from the Agroprom Research Institute" and "The key at Borov". It is recommended to go out on missions with a prepared arsenal and free space in your backpack. It is better to have two types of weapons and cartridges, besides the pistol. Don't forget to search bodies and caches.
Step 2
Going down to the X-18 laboratory, you will find a door with a combination lock. Look for the body of the deceased scientist in a small room, his PDA will have a door code - 1243. You will have to get to the body through many anomalies "hot". Use the bolts to locate the passage between the anomalies. On the way you may meet snorks - fast and dangerous mutants - do not let them be near or behind your back. Poltergeists will telekinesis throw all kinds of objects at your head. It is possible to kill them if you accurately fall into the moving clots of energy in the air. Searching lockers, you can get hold of useful swag. Return to the door and enter the code.
Step 3
Further focus on the elevator located immediately at the entrance. To the right of the elevator is a corridor with another coded door. Directly behind him is a corridor to the rooms, from where it will be possible to go down below. Having dealt with the poltergeists, follow there. The broken doors will be a sign that one of the strongest and most powerful mutants is ahead - a pseudo-giant. Throw grenades at him and fire from afar, otherwise you will have to start from the place where they were last preserved. In the hall behind the mutant, search the body of another scientist and learn the code for the door. If you don't have time to remember, you can always look at the messages in your PDA.
Step 4
Entering through the code door into the semicircular hall, turn immediately to the left and go up. Replenish stocks in the cabinets. Return to the hall to the poltergeist and kill him while dodging the fire. Climb the stairs to the control room, find the necessary documents and watch the cutscene.
Step 5
After the hero regains consciousness, do not rush to leave the laboratory. Without killing the fire poltergeist, you will not be able to get out. On the way back, they are met by military stalkers who are not going to be friends. Move slowly the way you came. On the surface, they also wait.
Step 6
To receive a task in the X-16 laboratory, where the rest of the documents lies, move through the Dump to the north to the Barman. He will send you to a new location - Amber Lake. In a bunker on the lake, Professor Sakharov reports that psi protection is needed to enter the laboratory. After completing the tasks of scientists, get a helmet with protection and move to the laboratory. Buy cartridges for weapons, spread the excess.
Step 7
There will be many zombies and snorks in the laboratory itself. Move to the entrance to the large hall. Save until the countdown. You need to complete the task of disabling the psi installation within the given time. Climb the stairs up under fire. On each flight of stairs, you must pull the switch. There will be three of them. Check the boxes along the way. The last switch will be in the control room booth.
Step 8
After turning off the psi radiation, the zombies will attack again. Travel even higher in search of the Ghost's body. The body will be guarded by a controller. The best means against him are grenades or accurate and quick hits to his head. And don't get caught in his eye. Search the Ghost's body, collect the swag. The exit is in the same room in the floor. Snorks await in the tunnels almost behind every hillock, in the middle there will be a pseudo-giant. Exit to the swamp area, not far from the bunker of scientists. Professor Sakharov will give out a new suit for completing the assignment. Report back to the Bartender.