The online RPG game World of Warcraft has been considered one of the most popular in the world for many years. Despite the outdated graphics by modern standards, it continues to attract new players who dream of becoming famous in the world of military craft. As in any role-playing game, the plot is very important in WOW, the twists and turns of which can be understood by completing numerous tasks - quests.

Step 1
For completing tasks in World of Warcraft, players are rewarded with experience, valuable items, and in-game money. Completing quests is one of the most effective ways to level up for experienced players who spend a minimum of time on each task. For beginners, however, quests are, first of all, a way of knowing the world, studying the geography of WOW, getting to know the storylines.
Step 2
First, the player needs to take the task. They are offered by NPCs (non-player characters) with exclamation marks over their heads. Having entered into a dialogue with such a character and agreeing to its conditions, you can proceed directly to the task, which will appear in your game journal.
Step 3
The tasks you have taken are displayed in the journal in different colors: gray, green, yellow, red. Gray color means that your level is significantly higher than required to complete this quest, so the reward and experience for it will be very small. Quests that will be easy to complete at your level are highlighted in green, a little more difficult in yellow, and red means that it will be extremely difficult to complete a quest. Also, tasks are group (designed for several people). As a rule, for completing such tasks, players receive a large reward and a lot of experience.
Step 4
Each area of the world is designed for a specific level of the player. In all areas there are NPCs who offer to complete tasks in this area. With rare exceptions, you don't have to travel long distances to complete quests.
Step 5
After you have taken tasks, their designation will appear on the world map. If according to the quest you need to find a certain character or object, on the map you will see a point with a number corresponding to the number of the task in the list. In the event that you are required to destroy several monsters, their habitat will also be marked on the map.
Step 6
When you complete the task, you will need to turn it in. As a rule, this is done in the same place where you received the quest. In most cases, you will be offered several things to choose from as a reward, you should choose the one that suits your specialization. It makes sense to take several tasks at once in one location, so as not to run back and forth, but to hand over them all together.