If the computer won't turn on, this can be a serious problem. Perhaps the fault of the mains filter is to blame. Or the lack of electricity in the building. It is worth checking that the power cables are connected correctly. A malfunction of the computer itself cannot be ruled out.

Power problems
Did you press the power button and the computer is not working? Do not rush to call a specialist. Chances are good that the problem was caused by a misunderstanding.
The computer may not work due to a banal lack of electricity. First, see if the switch on the surge protector is on. He could be accidentally hit and put into a non-working position.
If everything is in order with him, it is worth checking if the power filter plug is in the outlet. If the computer is located in the office, the plug may have been accidentally pulled out during cleaning.
It doesn't hurt to check the computer's power cord. Its plug must be inserted into the surge protector. If many consumers are connected to it, you can confuse the wires and accidentally de-energize the system unit or monitor.
Poor cable contact in the power supply connector is another common cause of problems. The plug could come loose or fall out of the connector, especially if it was not inserted firmly enough. To solve the problem, you need to insert the cable back until it stops.
Many power supplies have a switch on the case that is often overlooked. When manipulating the system unit, you can accidentally click on it. Be sure to check if it is in working position.
A broken outlet or a failed surge protector are other possible causes of the problem. If you are suspicious, check the outlets. If you don't have a dedicated tester, you can use a regular table lamp.
The situation with a power outage cannot be ruled out. Make sure if other electrical appliances are working, if there is light in the adjacent rooms. Check the circuit breakers in the switchboard.
Computer problems
If there is electricity, the surge protector is in order and everything is connected correctly, the reason may be in the computer itself. You can take on its own troubleshooting only when you are sure that you can handle it. If this is not the case, it is better to consult a specialist.
The problem may arise from the power button itself. Due to wear and tear, it can fail. With the help of a specialist, such a breakdown is diagnosed and corrected quite quickly.
The contact at the junction of the wires going from the power supply to the motherboard or hard drive could have disappeared. If you are confident in your abilities, you can check the reliability of their connection. Before doing this, you must definitely disconnect the computer!
Oxidation of the contacts of its key components can damage the computer. The risk group is RAM, video card, hard drive. To solve the problem, the contacts need to be cleaned.
A defective power supply is another possible reason why the computer won't start. The most reliable way to identify such a problem is to connect another, known-good unit.
Dust clogging the insides of the system unit can cause a short circuit. If there is no irreversible damage to the components, everything can be fixed with a brush and a vacuum cleaner.