How To Enter A Formula In Excel

How To Enter A Formula In Excel
How To Enter A Formula In Excel

Table of contents:


The widespread Excel program from Microsoft is indispensable for drawing up tables, diagrams, and making calculations. Excel uses formulas to automate the calculation of values entered in table cells. There are certain rules for entering formulas into tables.

How to enter a formula in Excel
How to enter a formula in Excel


Excel program installed on the computer


Step 1

Install the purchased or download and install the trial version of Excel. Run the program. Consider the program interface. The formula bar is designated fx. To enter a simple formula, enter the desired values in the cell, preceding them with an equal sign. For example, to calculate the sum 1 + 1, in a cell you need to enter "= 1 + 1" without quotes and press Enter. The result of the summation appears in the cell - 2.

Step 2

Please use a different input method. Click on an empty cell (A1) and insert a number into it, preceding it with an "equal" sign. In the adjacent cell (B1), insert another number and so on, depending on how many numbers you need. Put an equal sign in the last blank cell.

Step 3

Select cell A1. Then insert the arithmetic sign (addition, multiplication, division and others) and select another cell, for example B2. Hit Enter. View the original formula by double-clicking the cell by pressing Ctrl + Apostrophe. In addition, the formula appears in the formula bar on the toolbar after the cell is selected. Press F2 to change the formula and press Enter when finished.

Step 4

Add parentheses to the formula if you want to specify the order in which the operation is performed. First, the program does the calculations inside the parentheses. If the parenthesis is missing, Excel will generate an error - fix it.

Step 5

To multiply, put a number, then the multiplication sign * and another number. Excel considers the product of a number by another number on the right. If the number on the left or right is omitted, the program will generate an error. To add, subtract, or divide numbers, use the +, -, / signs.

Step 6

Raise the number to the power using the ^ sign, for example, "= 2 ^ 3". The degree can be written differently, for example, "= DEGREE (2; 3)". Hit Enter. The result will be eight. To find the percentage of a number, multiply the number by n% (n% is the percentage you want to calculate).

Step 7

To add all the numbers from any column, enter the formula “= SUM (A: A)” into the formula bar (this example adds the numbers from column A). To calculate a value in a range, enter "= AVERAGE (A1: B4)" in the formula bar (the example calculates the arithmetic mean of values in the range from A1 to B4).

Step 8

To view complex functions, go to the menu on the "Insert" tab (there select "Function" and a function from the category) or on the "Function" tab in the latest versions of Excel.
