A modern laptop in terms of its functionality is not inferior to a classic personal computer. However, they all sometimes tend to slow down during work. So you need to figure out what to do when your laptop slows down.

Dirty laptop
Due to the design of the laptop, air circulation inside its case is much worse than in a conventional system unit. Therefore, the often slowed down operation of the laptop is associated with pollution of the ventilation. To clean it, you need a set of the smallest Phillips screwdrivers, a toothbrush, and a dry rag. For the most basic cleaning, this kit will be enough. Professional assistance may be required for more thorough cleaning. First you need to unscrew the cover on the back, then carefully look at the fan and radiator grill. If they are in dust, then remove it.
Failure to clean your laptop regularly can cause the processor to overheat. In the best case, you will need to replace the thermal paste of the processor, in the worst case, you will need to purchase a new one. This can cost more than one thousand rubles, especially when it comes to the latest models.
Cleaning up RAM
As often as contamination, a sluggish laptop can be associated with an overload of memory (RAM). In order to check its workload, you must enter the key combination Ctrl + Alt + Del. This will bring up the task manager. Normal RAM load ranges from 20 to 50%. Anything above can cause system brakes. To avoid this, it is possible, through the same dispatcher, to remove the processes that load the system and are not needed by the user. Also, many antiviruses are capable of blocking unnecessary processes even at system startup. This is very useful to take advantage of when working on any computer.
Sometimes the RAM gets clogged due to the fault of various malicious programs. Therefore, the antivirus must be installed on the computer without fail.
Cleaning the hard drive
If it is clogged by more than 70%, this will affect the operation of the system as a whole. Therefore, it is worth regularly clearing it of unnecessary information. It is also necessary to maintain the integrity of the data on it, for which defragmentation is used. It should be carried out at least once every six months. As a rule, the corresponding program is installed along with the operating system.
Laptop malfunction
The most unpleasant thing is when the system sluggishness is associated with a mechanical malfunction of any laptop hardware. If all of the above does not lead to results, you will have to disassemble the laptop and study its hardware. Loud noise from the hard drive, an unpleasant smell of plastic or burning, leaking transistors and much more can indicate malfunctions.
When the laptop is under warranty, it is worth carrying out its full diagnostics at the service center, which is attached to the sales store. The diagnosis period will be up to two weeks. After verification, the consumer will either be refunded the money, or they will draw up an act to replace the laptop with the same one or another with a surcharge. In the event that a malfunction occurred through the fault of the user, then you will have to part with the money in order to fix it.