Manufacturers often use the phrase Limited Edition. The problem is that not everyone understands what it means, although this does not pose any particular problems.

Today, you can often find the phrase Limited Edition in the name of a product. The phrase itself carries only one specific meaning. Limited Edition is a limited series of products. A manufacturer can add such an addition to almost any product, be it computer games (today this phrase can be most often found in this area), clothing or something else. Thanks to the phrase Limited Edition, a person can easily understand that, for example, in the computer industry, such a name can mean that the program contains some pleasant additions, surprises that cannot be found in the regular version of the product. As for clothing, household items and other things, the meaning of the phrase Limited Edition is interpreted in the usual way (the product comes out in limited quantities).
Bitter truth
The phrase Limited Edition is nothing more than a publicity stunt (in most cases). If a person sees this in the name of the product, then he will at least be interested in purchasing it. He will consider that besides him, not many people can possess such a product. In fact, things don't look as good as people think. As mentioned earlier, the Limited Edition is nothing more than a publicity stunt that allows companies to promote their product.
Exception to the rule
Less often, when a manufacturer comes across really honest and sincere, not wanting only to better promote their product, it comes out in a really limited edition. Usually, in such cases, the buyer is "rewarded" in a peculiar way with some pleasant surprise, gift, etc. Naturally, this does not always happen, on the contrary, very rarely, but still. For the most part, the phrase "Limited Edition" carries with it just such a character when, in the opinion of the public, programs, games or films are released. It is in this case that the manufacturer can add something good, while such an addition will not hit the manufacturer's pocket hard and improve sales.
As a result, it turns out that the Limited Edition has two sides of the coin - good and not so good. Someone can and wants to get big sales of their product with the help of these two words, while someone really produces a limited edition or at least offers customers something additional. In itself, of course, there is nothing bad about it.