How To Uninstall Internet Explorer In Windows 7

How To Uninstall Internet Explorer In Windows 7
How To Uninstall Internet Explorer In Windows 7

Internet Explorer is a web browser for browsing Internet pages on the network. Like all applications on a computer, Internet Explorer goes through three main stages of "life": installing a program on the system, using the program, and removing it.


Basic ways to uninstall Internet Explorer in Windows 7

Most often, Internet Explorer is a standard Windows program that is installed on a computer along with the system. You can delete it both mechanically - using special programs, and manually.

Mechanical removal method

There are two main types of special applications for uninstalling programs. The first type includes standard Windows uninstallers, the second - uninstallers installed by the user himself.

To use the first type of applications, go to the Start menu, All Programs, Internet Explorer and click Uninstall or, in some cases, uninstall. A window will appear, click "Next" until a progress bar appears, which indicates the beginning of the deletion procedure. Almost the same algorithm can be used if you uninstall the browser through the "Control Panel". Enter the panel, click on the "Programs and Features" icon. A window will open with a list of programs installed on the computer. Select "Internet Explorer" from them, click uninstall. As in the previous case, in the lower right corner, click on "Next" and the browser will be deleted.

Before using the second type of uninstaller, install one of them on your PC. After installation, restart your device and open the app. It will list all the programs that were installed by the user. From them, select, respectively, "Internet Explorer" and click "Uninstall". The advantage of such a program is that it not only erases the application from the computer, but also cleans up the so-called "tails" in the registry. There will be no trace of the remote application, as if it had not been installed. This, of course, has a positive effect on the system. Less chance of errors. The main drawback is that basically all these programs require a license key, and many are in English. If you can somehow figure it out with the language, then finding a free key on the Internet is a laborious task, and its absence reduces the working potential of the program by half, or simply makes it inoperable.

Manual removal method

You can manually uninstall the web browser through My Computer or File Manager. To delete through "My Computer", open the folder, go to the drive (C:), then in "Program Files", find the folder with the name "Internet Explorer", select and hold down the shift + delete key combination. Removing through the file manager includes the same steps as the previous method, just visually it looks a little different.
