It is difficult to imagine the activities of a modern enterprise without the functioning of an established scheme of measures for the implementation of information security. Some firms even create special structures dealing only with this issue.

- - Firewall;
- - anti-virus software;
- - mail filters.
Step 1
It is necessary to draw up a protection scheme for your computers to prevent the possibility of unwanted information leakage. Start by setting up a quality firewall. To do this, you can use either a special router or a regular computer with the software installed on it.
Step 2
Practice shows that configuring a router table is much more difficult than configuring a specific program. Configure the selected utility to ensure the highest quality of protection of your information.
Step 3
Be sure to install the additional Firewall program. In this case, it is recommended to allow data transmission only over those protocols that are actually used by network computers. Pay particular attention to the NETBIOS area setting. It is most vulnerable to external attacks.
Step 4
Configure email filtering options. Many virus programs are introduced into the enterprise network precisely through mail protocols. First, the virus penetrates the computer of an ordinary user, and only then spreads over the network and collects the necessary information. Mail filters must be able to recognize virus code in both regular files and archived data. Its function should include the ability to automatically change the file extension. Another feature of the mail filter is scanning HTML code and analyzing Java scripts.
Step 5
Install antivirus software. In this case, we are talking not only about the Internet access server, but also about all the computers that are part of your network. Be sure to configure each networked computer. It is best not to give users administrator rights.
Step 6
It is important to understand that most of the measures to ensure high-quality protection of important information do not require large financial costs. In addition, it is much easier to establish high-quality network protection than to constantly correct the consequences of intruders into the system.