If something unpleasant happens - and very important folders, files and documents have been erased from the flash drive, then this is not a reason for panic. Nothing terrible happened, because there is always an opportunity to recover deleted information.

Information can always be restored
In the modern world, information is a part of every person's life. Now it is no longer necessary to store archives in large rooms (like a library) - they were replaced by a computer, as well as electronic media, on which most of the information is now stored. Today the word "information" means any document stored electronically.
But if earlier all the accumulated information could, for example, burn out, now information can be lost even faster - due to a virus attack, a computer failure or careless formatting of hard drives. However, if after a fire it is already problematic to recover data, then it is much easier to solve the problem of deleting electronic files.
Wherever this information is stored - on a computer hard drive, on a flash drive or on a phone memory card - you can always recover lost data.
Data recovery methods
So how do you recover data from a USB flash drive? First of all, you do not need to format the USB flash drive - after that it will be more difficult to recover the data. If the flash drive has been formatted, do not write any new data. This will also complicate the process of recovering information.
Usually, when trying to connect a USB flash drive to a computer, system errors occur when reading the device. If you go to the properties of the removable disk through the shortcut "My Computer", you will notice that the capacity of the flash drive and the file system are determined incorrectly (usually it shows that 0 bytes are occupied, and 0 bytes are also free).
To restore information on a USB flash drive, first of all, you need to restart your computer. It won't get any worse, but sometimes this method can help. If the flash drive is still unreadable, then you need to disconnect the flash drive through "safe removal of the device", and then connect it again (for correct removal, you need to click on the shortcut of the flash drive in the tray next to the clock and select the "Eject device" item) …
If this does not help, you need to check the removable media. To do this, open "My Computer", open the context menu for the flash drive icon, and select the "Properties" item. Then, in the window that appears, you need to select the "Service" tab, and click the "Check" button. In a new window that opens, both checkboxes should be selected.
If all the same does not help, then there are only two options. The first is the use of special data recovery software. But each program works differently, and sometimes it will be able to recover data, and sometimes it will not. You need to try several programs to recover information.
And finally, the last way is to take the flash drive to the service center, where the specialists will do their job and restore all the lost information. And so that this does not happen again, you need to make backups more often to your working computer, and use the USB flash drive only as a temporary removable media (for which it was created).