Choosing a laptop in a store, you just need to test it, however, not every seller of computer equipment knows how to do this, despite the fact that he works in this industry. If you decide to buy a used laptop, then it simply cannot be purchased without testing. Otherwise, you can pay a lot of money for its subsequent repairs.

Step 1
When buying a laptop, start by looking at its appearance and port locations. Hold it in your hands, estimate the weight, lift the lid, think about whether it will be convenient for you to work with such a keyboard and shortcut buttons. Feel the keyboard with your fingers, check if the buttons are easy to press, whether the sound accompanying pressing the buttons suits you, whether the number of ports that this model has is enough for you.
Step 2
Boot up your laptop. If the size of the keys is non-standard, try typing a short sentence and appreciate the convenience. Press all the keys, as there is a possibility that at least one of them does not work. Better to make sure, after spending a few extra minutes, that all buttons are working properly.
Step 3
After that, you need to do a test of the audio path. To do this, put a test program that can be found on the network, evaluate the signal received from the line output. The report is automatically generated in the program and can be viewed as a separate document. You can also find similar programs to test the matrix, laptop performance and memory bandwidth.
Step 4
Before testing a used laptop, charge it. The battery must be fully charged, then unplug it and check how long it can work without a battery. In the event that the charge is only enough for 10-20 minutes, the battery will have to be changed soon.
Step 5
Examine the display for breakdowns - these are small bright dots. You can't get away from this, sooner or later they appear anyway, but there shouldn't be more than 3-4 of them. If the entire monitor is speckled, then it makes no sense to buy such a laptop. If the screen has a slight uneven glow, this is not a problem. It is bad if it glows too dimly or there are sharp changes.
Step 6
Before buying a laptop, do not forget to check the package contents, make sure you have a power supply, which may be built-in. It is likely that the notebook should come with driver disks or floppy disks. If there are no disks, all the missing software can be found on the Internet.
Step 7
If, after testing and evaluating the performance of the laptop, you find quite significant shortcomings, discard this model without hesitation.
Step 8
With good handling of your laptop, it can last for several years, so try not to drop it, hit it, do not flood it, and periodically carry out preventive cleaning.