An exe file in the Windows operating system is an executable file for programs. It is a specially processed code written by a programmer, compiled and converted into an executable type. Therefore, it is impossible to take notepad and write an exe file, as it can be done with bat- or inf-files.

knowledge of programming
Step 1
Decide on the tasks your program should perform. If these are simple tasks (for example, startup programs), then immediately start writing a bat-file. More complex actions must be described using a programming language. Which language to choose depends on the specification of the tasks. You must have standard knowledge of the programming language in order to write a small program yourself to perform a specific task.
Step 2
After choosing a programming language, learn the basics of coding in that language. Install a development environment and try your hand at writing simple programs. After understanding the logic of the environment and the compiler, you can proceed to the implementation of the tasks.
Step 3
After writing the program, compile the code files into an executable application, adding the required libraries and resources. Check the result on your own computer and then on a tester computer to rule out unexpected errors. Typically, you can use the standard programming environment compiler. There is also special software that allows you to compile various programs from source. Use whichever methods work best for you.
Step 4
If you are satisfied with the capabilities of the bat file, then after writing the code, convert the bat to exe using the Bat To Exe Converter program. This application can be easily found on the Internet. The rules for writing executable bat files are also freely available on thematic portals and forums. Using bat files, you can describe the execution of almost all system tasks. However, complex conditionals and object programming cannot be implemented in such files.