Review is a genre that implies the author's assessment of something. It can be a book, film, play, or any subject that requires evaluation. Therefore, it is quite possible to have reviews of computer software.

Step 1
Don't start right away with an assessment. Like any review, a review of a program implies at least a three-part structure: an introduction, a main part, and a conclusion. In the introduction, you should not talk about the pros or cons of the software, it is better to introduce the viewer into the question, describe the context. It can be a short story about the software market as a whole, the history of a company, or specifically a series of monitored programs. For example, before reviewing a new operating system, many users would be interested to read how Windows has evolved throughout its history.
Step 2
Describe the interface and shell of the program. It is highly undesirable to skip this step: this way you will be able to form a more or less clear impression about it from a reader who has never seen the described software. If you do not do this, then there will be some understatement, uncertainty - and the very essence of the review will not be realized. At the same time, try only to describe, while not giving any assessment.
Step 3
Describe the distinguishing features. Each program, in order to stand out in the market, has one or another trump card, an ace up its sleeve: speaking of Mozilla Firefox, these will be plug-ins; for Google Chrome - speed; Opera - Turbo mode. Your task at this stage is to highlight the main advantages that will help the user choose this particular program.
Step 4
Identify less important pros and cons. This is the most detailed part of the parsing of the program, and here you should enter everything that did not find place in the previous text. It is here that the very essence of the review is revealed - you do not just give descriptive information, but give your own, subjective opinion. However, try to be more or less objective: when you start writing, you assume some authority in the matter under discussion, so the reader, unable to form his own opinion, will use yours.
Step 5
Describe the market and direct competitors. This should be done at the end, as a separate point: then the viewer will join the analysis together with you, already having a relatively complete impression of the described software. This part of the analysis is especially valuable because "everything is learned in comparison", and a comparative characteristic is many times more valuable than an abstract one.