Compilation, as a rule, is the procedure for converting the source code of a program written in a high-level language into a module ready for execution in a machine-oriented language. That is, a program written in a human-readable language is translated into codes that a computer can execute with a minimum of preprocessing. Different compiler programs are used for source code written in different programming languages.

Step 1
If you need to compile the source file of a flash element stored in a file with the fla extension, then for this you can use, for example, the Adobe Flash application - it is it that is most often used to create and edit flash movies for various purposes. Begin the compilation procedure by downloading the file containing the source code. This can be done by calling the standard file open dialog with the "Open" command in the "File" section of the application menu. You can also use the hotkeys ctrl + o or just double-click the fla file with the mouse. Press the ctrl + enter key combination if the file code does not need to be edited, and the only purpose of the operation is to compile it. Adobe Flash will perform the necessary actions and you will see the flash element in its finished form on the screen, and the compiled file will be saved with the same name, but with the swf extension.
Step 2
If you need to compile, for example, the source code of an indicator or an Expert Advisor used when trading on the Forex market in MetaTrader terminals, the sequence of actions will be approximately the same. Start by loading the source file into MetaEditor, which is installed automatically along with the terminal. This can be done through the open command in the file section, using the ctrl + o keyboard shortcut, or by double-clicking on the file containing the source code with the mq4 or mq5 extension (depending on the terminal version). To compile, use the compile command in the file section of the editor menu or the f5 key. The compiled code will be saved to a file with the ex4 or ex5 extension.
Step 3
If you need to compile a file with the chm extension, which is most often used to store help documents in html format, then, for example, in the Htm2Chm program, for this you need to click on the "Create" button in the main application window. The program will open a dialog box, in the corresponding fields of which you need to specify the source file, the location of the compiled file, the title of the document, its language, and then click the "Start" button. The program will compile and save the file with the chm extension.