After updating Windows to version 10, the Windows.old directory remains on the computer, which takes up quite a lot of disk space. It cannot be easily deleted through Explorer or a file manager. True, it will be automatically deleted by the system in about a month. But what if you need to free up disk space? How do I delete this folder?

Windows 10 computer
Step 1
Let's open the computer control panel. To do this, right-click on the "Start" button, and select the "Control Panel" item in the menu that opens.
If you have selected Category View, you need to switch to Large Icons or Small Icons. Now we start system administration.

Step 2
In the window that opens, find the "Disk Cleanup" item and run it.

Step 3
The used space estimator will scan your disks and display a list of items that can be removed. We press the button "Clear system files", tk. the folder "Windows.old" we are interested in is not yet in this list.

Step 4
After that, the Disk Cleanup program will scan the disks again and add additional cleaning options to the list. Find the item "Previous Windows installations" that appears, check the box on it and click "OK". The system will warn you that the action is irreversible. We agree and press the "Delete files" button. And once again we will be warned of the consequences. We confirm once again the consent to delete the data of previous Windows installations by clicking on the "Yes" button.
When the program finishes cleaning, it will close itself. We rejoice at the freed up gigabytes.