How To Remove The Red Bar

How To Remove The Red Bar
How To Remove The Red Bar

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Users of Internet browsers of the Internet Explorer series may stumble upon the appearance of a red bar at the bottom of the screen. Under the red stripe, you can see a porn informer, to remove which you need to send an SMS message and say goodbye to a considerable amount of mobile money.

How to remove the red bar
How to remove the red bar


Removal of advertising banners


Step 1

These kinds of banners are created by cybercriminals. money sent into obscurity disappears without a trace. The amount of funds spent on sending SMS messages ranges from 200 to 1000 rubles. The amount of money earned was enormous, but this is due to human stupidity. you can do without investment.

Step 2

Porn banners penetrate the operating system in different ways: somewhere the user clicked the "left" link and introduced the infection to the computer, somewhere a letter with unknown content was opened, and so on. It was revealed that when a red stripe appears, the banner penetrates as a separate video codec, with copying to system folders.

Step 3

To remove the informer from the Internet Explorer browser, you need to launch it and click the top menu "Service". In the list that opens, select "Manage add-ons" and then "Turn add-ons on or off."

Step 4

In the window that opens, view absolutely all add-ons, because the suspicious name may have a very common name. Pay attention to those objects that end with the expression lib.dll. Select the add-on and disable it.

Step 5

The same problem is observed with the Opera browser. To remove the informer, click the top menu "Tools" and select the item "Settings". In the "Settings" window that opens, go to the "Advanced" tab. Here you need to select the "Content" tab and go to the Javascript settings. Delete the contents of the Custom Javascript Files Folder field and click OK.

Step 6

To completely remove a file, it is recommended that you find the files that have been disabled in Internet Explorer. To do this, open the system folder and navigate to the System 32 directory. Select the files to delete using the left mouse button and the Ctrl key, and then press the Delete key.
