The average computer user is almost certainly familiar with concepts such as random access memory, processor, and read-only memory. But now, in our time, the popular word cash is puzzling for many.

The word cache appeared in computer terminology in 1967. The heyday of computer technology, and, consequently, rapid technological progress. By this time, computer microprocessors began to work many times faster than random access memory. In this regard, the processors stood idle for a considerable time, waiting for data to be manipulated in the RAM. All this greatly impeded the further development of computer technology, and it was necessary to come up with a solution to this problem. A solution was found - a high-speed memory buffer. This term was used to describe a very small memory with a high access speed, which solved the problem of processor downtime. It was suggested to call this memory a cache, cash - from English "cash". The name was given for a reason, its authors compared computer memory to money. So the permanent memory was compared to a deposit in a bank, which could only be used after visiting it, carrying out the procedure for debiting funds, and only then these funds could be spent. Operating memory is cash that is stored at home. A smaller amount than on the deposit, but available for use in a much shorter period of time (you just need to come home and take it). And finally, cash (the same cash), which is a much smaller amount, but is always with you, in your pocket or wallet, and which you can use at any time. It is from such everyday things that the term cache appeared. The difference in the speed of modern processors and RAM is still significant, and it is unlikely that they will ever be equal, so the cache is still used today. The CPU cache is usually divided into two levels (L1, L2. L-Level, from English - "level"). The first level is smaller in size, but the fastest in terms of data processing speed, the second, respectively, is larger in volume, but slower. It should be noted that now it is possible to find processors with three cache levels. The structure of the levels does not change from this (the higher the level, the greater the volume and the lower the speed). The cache is used not only in microprocessors. It is also used in the work of external drives (hard drives, cd and dvd disks). The data that is currently being processed, written or read is stored in the program cache. Almost all browsers and many other applications use caching.