Many online games are distributed on the f2p - free-to-play system, and in the last two years World Of Warcraft, the most popular online game, has also partially switched to this system. You can play it for free, but with some restrictions.

Step 1
If you want to play World of Warcraft for free, you will need to create a starter account on the BattleNet system - this can be done on the system's website. After entering all the data and registering an account, you can download the game client and install it on your computer.
Step 2
When the program is fully installed, you will be able to enter it with your username and password, create your character and start the game. Developers can restrict free account players' access to creatures and abilities that appear in new additions, but the standard set of eight races and nine classes is always available in full.
Step 3
There are restrictions for the starting versions in the game - for example, your character will not be able to rise above level twenty, receive more than ten gold coins (the internal game currency), or raise the level of proficiency above a hundred units. Starter versions are designed to help you get to know the game and make a purchase decision, so you won't be able to use many of the features available to full game players. Your character will not be able to participate in Pet Battles, use the auction and internal mail, join groups or communicate in the general chat.
Step 4
At the same time, you will have access to communication with the characters who added you to the list of friends, you can complete tasks, use the game experience within twenty levels to upgrade, get game items, explore locations and use ground vehicles. At the twentieth level, PvP zones will also be open for you, the battlefields of players among themselves, on which you can enter into battle with other characters to seize resources or territories.
Step 5
All other restrictions are imposed exclusively by your level - you cannot get into difficult dungeons or locations of higher levels, be in the zones of global confrontation of players or fly over the world on a winged transport, because for this the character must be at least level forty.
Step 6
Lack of access to in-game mail does not mean that you cannot receive items from other characters. You just have to meet them face to face for exchange.
Step 7
The twentieth level will allow you to move around the map a little more confidently than on the first, but strong monsters will see you from afar and immediately attack. Try not to stray too far from cities.