Sometimes it becomes necessary to make a server on the Internet out of your home personal computer. This may be due both to the desire to simply place your site on "home" hosting, and to the need to put some files in public access. Also, servers are often created by video game lovers in order to be able to play on a specific computer on the network. But a game server is much easier to create than a regular one.

Step 1
Before you start creating a server from your home computer, there are some important points to consider. First, you need to understand that an ordinary personal computer is not very suitable as a server. If you host a popular site on such a server, then it will be very inconvenient for users to visit it, since the server will be terribly "slowed down". Secondly, you will need an unlimited high-speed Internet channel. Third, you should purchase a static IP address from your ISP for your computer. If you have met all these prerequisites, then you can start creating your Internet server.
Step 2
It takes a little bit of software, a range of operating system tuning skills, and a day or two to create it. First of all, to create your server, you will need to install a server operating system on your personal computer. You can choose from the following operating systems: Windows Server 2003 or 2008, OpenSolaris, Apache, or just about any Linux. It will not be difficult to understand the settings of any of these operating systems, if you have video tutorials on working with the system or a user manual. It will take you a couple of hours (in the case of Windows Server) or a day or two in the case of Linux.
Step 3
After you configure the server operating system for the parameters you selected, you can place a website there, bind it to the IP address of your computer, configure DNS and / or place the files necessary for downloading on the computer. Everything will work. You should also not forget about email clients and other related programs that you may need, as well as the users of your resource.