Many portals dedicated to computer software are open on the Internet, and therefore high-quality materials "on the topic" are always in demand. Therefore, if you know how to express your opinion, nothing prevents you from writing a review of any work program.

Step 1
Keep track of the language you write. First of all, the material should not use first-person speech. Thanks to this simple trick, the text will immediately seem more professional. However, do not abuse your own competence too much: exclude from the text terms, professional jargon or other expressions that may remain incomprehensible to someone.
Step 2
Separate subjective and objective evaluations. Your goal as a reviewer is to be extremely objective, and the quality of the article directly depends on how correctly you can evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of the software. Of course, none of us can completely distance ourselves from our own opinion, so in order to "minimize losses", highlight the points that seem controversial to you. For example: "Of course, the speed of Google Chrome is its main advantage over its competitors, but some users may be frightened off by an uncomfortable interface." The part about the interface here is the personal opinion of the reviewer, but it is not presented as an immutable truth, but quite the opposite.
Step 3
Consider the entire product market. Everything is learned in comparison, and comparative analysis is the most valuable for the user. It is possible that the user has never encountered Skype in his life, and the statement "Skype is very convenient" will not carry almost any information for the user. But the phrase: "Skype certainly bypasses ICQ in terms of convenience …", on the contrary, will be more specific for some users. On such a technique, you can completely build a whole article, comparing the analyzed product with all possible competitors.
Step 4
Follow the logic of writing. Like any material, the review should be based on at least a three-part form: introduction, main part, conclusion. If the introduction does not raise any questions, then the main part can be divided into several parts: a description of the main properties of the program, the main advantages and disadvantages, a comparative analysis. This order will allow the reader to put together the clearest idea of the program, which should be summarized in the conclusion.