The Devil May Cry 5 computer game was released on March 8, 2019 on Windows and for the Sony Play Station, Xbox. Dante and Nero remained in the game, plus a sorcerer named V joins the team.

Capcom is again returning to its formula for success, as it was in the early 2000s, when the first game in the Devil May Cry series was released for the Sony Play Station 2, but it is far from the first game on the company's account. The style for Devil May Cry 5 is everything, and this part has it. The style of play is especially evident in the new hero - V, when during the battle he stands in the middle of the battle and reads a book with poetry. The style manifests itself in the heavy nature and insolence that Nero has in the battles. And the swagger of Dante, who is considered frivolous, but does not deviate from his goals.
In the complete series, Devil May Cry 5 is a wild, addictive action and slasher game released in 2019. A little earlier in 2013, DMC: Devil May Cry was released, this game was developed by the British company Ninja Theory, and Capcom only published DMC: Devil May Cry and did not touch the development of the game, but only controlled the development. The British made a European game, but in the new part those teenage problems that were before returned - these are long hair, leather jackets, demons, motorcycles and atmospheric music. Therefore, the game feels and plays like on Play Station 2, DMC 5 for this and I like that it abandoned most modern technologies and did not hesitate to make an old-school game, but there are changes - these are microtransactions right during the game and now you can buy various donations for real money. The in-game currency of DMC5 is red orbs, which can be obtained by killing demons, and if you kill them with a certain style, you can get the maximum number of red orbs. Now there are sacred statues in the game, interacting with them, you can buy red orbs right during battles. The acquisition of red orbs gives a faster passage of the game, although it is quite possible to complete the game without the infusion of additional funds. They buy red orbs for real money, mainly for pumping skills and resurrection during missions, this is especially true when you need to complete the game on the difficulty "Dante must die", when the character is resurrected, the boss loses a third of his health, for this you have to spend orbs on resurrection. and if they are not, then as an option, you can spend money. If you upgrade your character without investing money, you will have to accumulate 12 million spheres to upgrade the skills of all characters. The skill provocation (Taunt) is the most expensive skill - 3,000,000 red orbs, and you have three characters equal to 9 million orbs, plus other cheap skills will also have to be pumped! The head of the company Hideaki Itsuno said that buying orbs is not necessary and microtransactions are needed, for those who want to save their time and complete pumping of characters is not needed, you can do without some skills. In fact, Devil May Cry 5 does not push players to buy red orbs. In general, gaming magazines believe that the company has only damaged its reputation by introducing microtransactions.
The game was made for Xbox One and Sony Play Station, as well as Windows PCs. It is worth playing on consoles in their latest modifications, that is, on Xbox One X and Sony Play Station Pro, because with these consoles the game is more balanced and can produce a stable 60 FPS, by the way, we are waiting for a response from the developers of Digital Foundry, who are going to release Sekiro on March 22: Shadows Die Twice for Play Station 4 Pro, the game is expected to have significantly increased anti-aliasing and improved blur quality.
In Devil May Cry 5, a convenient camera, the problem of many Japanese games, especially third-person fighting games, is an inconvenient camera, it is either fixed or runs away somewhere, in DMC 5 the camera is more focused on the enemy, but the character does not run away from review, the shooting mode remains from the DMC 4 when the camera is semi-locked, but is fantastically comfortable.

The game takes place after the events that unfolded in Devil May Cry 2, because Dante got older and got a beard, most likely due to the fact that he was locked in hell for a long time and had nowhere to shave. As in the previous parts of DMC, the events unfold in the fictional city of Red Grave City, which strongly resembles London, which has red double-decker buses, signs and road signs strongly reminiscent of Britain. The game contains Regent Street, the street was torn apart by a demonic apocalypse, following the story, the famous Borough Market will also meet. The whole world of DMC is dark, gloomy places in which you need to fight, but this game impresses with its aesthetics, and the developers know the measure between gloom and stele, so Devil May Cry 5 holds until the very end and you want to go through it. In the previous parts, there were such invented locations as: Mallet Island, Vie de Marly, Temen-ni-gru, Fortuna, Limbo City, and they were also striking in their beauty.
RE Engine
RE Engine stands for The Reach for Moon Engine. It is a Capcom game engine that was first used in Resident Evil 7: Biohazard (2017). The engine uses the technology of subsurface scattering, which gives great opportunities for rendering the elements necessary for the designer, for example, the faces of the characters, their clothes, weapons. For realism, the characters were filmed from real people, and then converted into 3D models. The clothes were also scanned from real copies made in London, the most expensive clothes turned out to be from Nero, his jacket costs like a small car, but still the work done pays for the efforts of the developers. The Serbian company 3Lateral is responsible for the facial expressions of the characters, the program records the movements of the characters, and then voice acting and speech are superimposed. The developers improve the RE Engine with each new game, in Devil May Cry 5 the engine especially showed itself on the character V, who can make unusual turns and has more varied facial expressions.

In terms of the actions of the characters in the game, nothing has changed - platformer, puzzles, most of them are stupid, ill-conceived and forced, they cannot be bypassed in another way, and at the end of each sortie a boss awaits us, which makes Devil May Cry 5 seem like an outdated game, which was played on Sony Play Station 2. In 2010 the game Bayonetta was released, and in 2014 Bayonetta 2, so these two games were able to reveal the slasher genre and I wanted to wait for something similar from DMC 5, but something new in the game did not appear, so the game is certainly colorful thanks to the new and already improved game engine, but the combat system is outdated. As you progress through the plot during the battle, invisible barriers appear around the character, and this is already a painfully familiar sensation with modern effects. The game features three characters that will be blocked at certain points in the game for 20 missions, but they are so diverse in their style that sometimes it seems that you are playing three different games and acting every time for a different fighter is even more enjoyable. The game has less backtracking compared to the previous parts and the game is played a little faster and it does not quickly lose interest in it due to tedious running around the map.
By the way, Nero keeps his gripping set from DMC 4 and now Niko makes Devil Breaker - this is a prosthetic weapon instead of a hand. This special weapon can equip different types of "attachments", that is, Nero can attack with electric discharges, high-energy beams, heal, create traps and accelerate the character. You can find the Devil Breaker during the course of the story or use a special red booth to call Niko's store and buy in it. Rearranging the attributes at the beginning of the mission opens up a completely different strategy.
Wee is a new character, which is made in the style of a sorcerer, he does not go into frontal attacks, but prefers to attack from afar, turning into demons. V has three demons: a panther, a griffin and a nightmare, the attacks are not strong, which is why the character is considered weaker than Nero and Dante.
In the new DMC game, Dante turned out to be shorter - 180 cm, before he was 195 centimeters, the character is considered a half-demon-half-angel, is an outcast and fights demons, lives in Limbo City, the city is controlled by demons and therefore he is fighting the system. And its origin provides many supernatural methods of murder. When using the Devil Trigger ability, his coat turns red and his hair turns white. Dante also has a motorcycle with which he can knock down and cut enemies.