Mount and blade sets the player's ultimate goal in the form of founding his kingdom and the subsequent conquest of the entire game world. It is not difficult to found or conquer a kingdom, but its expansion and strengthening is a painstaking but interesting process.

Step 1
To become the king in the game Mount and blade, create your character. When creating it, pay the most attention to the skills of Persuasion and Leadership. After the start of the game, join the caravan and follow to the nearest kingdom. There, get to the king and take the vassal oath or join him as a mercenary.
Step 2
Complete the proposed tasks, recruit a squad and save money. As soon as your squad reaches 300 or more people, proceed to capture the castle. Before that, open the diplomacy menu and deny the king you serve. Then capture a castle or city.
Step 3
Now find the governor of your little state in the castle hall and talk to him. In the conversation, from among your companions, select the ambassador with the highest Persuasion skill and send him to the ruler you like the most. In three weeks at the most, your ambassador will return and bring your recognition as king or simply increase your Right to Rule score. If you are not recognized immediately, send an ambassador to the neighbors again, and after a while you will still be recognized as king.
Step 4
Another way to become king in Mount and blade is to marry the king's daughter. To do this, improve relations with the princess and her relatives, participate in tournaments and earn authority in the faction from which you want to take your wife. Offer her your hand and heart, and after the wedding, you will be recognized as a full king.
Step 5
After your coronation, start strengthening your kingdom from unfriendly neighbors. Find the manager again and announce the recruitment collection. Train them until you have a large army at your disposal. Start fighting with neighboring lords and kings. Capture prisoners in battles and release them for ransom. Your Honor score will increase, and your relations with neighboring rulers will improve. Do this until your kingdom is surrounded by friendly states. Over time, with respect and generous promises, attract them to your state.