The release of the Facebook Camera app came as a surprise to most reviewers, as the social network recently acquired Instagram, one of the most popular photo-sharing web services in the world, for $ 1 billion.

First of all, it's worth noting that Facebook Camera is the 1.0 version of the mobile photo client, while Instagaram is the fruit of a long and painstaking work. So it comes as no surprise that Instagram's interface is much more elaborate and is a masterpiece of minimalism. For example, users of devices running iOS are accustomed to the fact that if you drag the page down, the stream will be updated. In Facebook Camera, this action opens the iPhoto Photo Gallery. At the same time, the photos in the social network application are larger and support the zoom option. There is no doubt that the subsequent versions of the client will acquire more functionality - it is difficult to imagine that, becoming the owner of Instagram, the developers from the Facebook team will not use the best practices of the popular service.
The shooting process in both programs is almost identical. The filters offered by the applications are also almost identical. At the same time, Instagram supports hashtags, and the army of fans of this service is far from always in solidarity with the millions of users of the social network. At the same time, it should be noted the more flexible settings for the photo sharing process provided by Facebook Camera.
Conventionally, you can compare Instagram with Twitter, since only the pictures of the people selected by the user are displayed, and Facebook Camera - with Facebook itself, since photos of everyone included in the friends list become available. According to Gizmodo's witty observation, there may be several reasons to add a distant relative to the list of friends, but not one - to be forced to look at photos of his vacation in the country.
It should also take into account the opinion of several American experts who believe that the main competitor of Facebook Camera is not Instagram, but Google+. The experience gained on the basis of the Picassa service has made it possible to create a very convenient and functional service for working with photos, and the opposition of these social networks is not a secret.