Choosing a laptop is a difficult, but quite interesting process. There are many factors to consider when purchasing this device, some of which are very difficult to determine at first glance. It is very important not to pay attention to the words of sellers, but to be guided by your knowledge and motivations. But to do this, you need to have extensive knowledge of the initial verification of the laptop's performance. And it's not just about the initial inspection and operation of the main elements.

It is necessary
USB stick
Step 1
The very first rule is not to buy a laptop from a storefront. If all of these exhibit devices are included, ask for another laptop. Some mobile computers can be on display for 6-8 months. Naturally, many parts wear out during this time. Ask to open the laptop box in your presence. Check battery and charger. They must be packed in separate bags.

Step 2
Do not purchase laptops with integrated video adapters. This means that the video card is not there, but there is only a chip powered by a processor and RAM. Even if the memory capacity of such a video adapter is 1.5 GB, you will not be able to play games with high system requirements and watch high quality movies. Moreover, if the laptop has 3 GB of RAM, then 1.5 GB will be spent on the video card at maximum load.
Step 3
The optimal laptop specifications are as follows:
- Processor: 3-4 cores, the frequency of which is higher than 2 GHz.
- 4 GB of RAM.
- Video card with 1 GB of memory.
- 320-500 GB hard disk space.
- Display diagonal 15.6 inches. These characteristics will allow you to play your favorite games, watch high quality videos and work with your laptop without any problems.
Step 4
Turn on the laptop in the store two times: check the battery and charger. Bring a USB stick with a video player and high-definition movie with you. Install the player and run the video file. Make sure the video plays without image distortion. Check for sound and Wi-Fi adapter operation.
Step 5
Leave the laptop turned on for about an hour. Feel the bottom of the device. It should not be hot, and warm air of 30-40 degrees should come out of the ventilation openings. If one of these conditions is not met, then the laptop has a poor cooling system, which increases the likelihood of overheating and damage to the device.