When buying a computer mouse, you need to pay attention not only to its functionality and power supply, but also the convenience of the position of the hands on it. With prolonged work, pain, numbness of the fingers may appear.

A computer mouse is an important device, without which it is difficult to imagine comfortable work with a laptop or computer. We are so used to it that we even forgot about the purpose of the function keys.
When buying a mouse, it is important to pay attention not only to its functionality, methods of connection and power supply, but also to its ease of use. The fact is that if the mouse is too small, the brush will quickly get tired, pain may appear, and fingers will begin to grow numb. When the mouse is large and the user's palm is small, this also leads to unpleasant consequences.
Before buying a mouse, you need to decide on the amount that you are willing to spend. It is quite possible to buy a device for 200 rubles, which will work for a long time, performing the entire set of necessary manipulations - turning pages, entering commands and working with the menu.
All mice offered in stores can be conditionally divided into categories according to three parameters.
First category. Type of food
There are wireless and wired mice. In the first case, power is supplied by the batteries that are inside the device. Recharging can be carried out using a special additional device. There are devices in which a used battery is simply replaced with a new one. There are manipulators that are recharged from the rug they are on. It is convenient and practical.
In the second case, when the mouse is connected to the PC via a wire, the power is supplied from the computer and there is no need to worry about recharging. Of course, it is very convenient to work with wireless mice, but they are more expensive and a little more difficult to operate. But some models allow you to work at a great distance from the monitor. This is a significant plus. In addition, there is no wire on the desktop that can interfere with holding document folders, worksheets, and more.
Second category. The type of signal transmitted to the computer
Mice can be optical-laser or optical. In this case, it does not matter at all whether there is a rug under the manipulator or not. The signal is so powerful and subtle that it allows you to work by moving the mouse on a smooth table surface. The second type, which has practically disappeared from everyday life, is ball mice. They only work well on the mat and need periodic cleaning, otherwise the cursor will lag behind the mouse movement.
Third category. Functionality
In this case, we mean how many buttons the mouse has. It's hard to believe, but ten years ago there were many mice with only two buttons. There was no scroll wheel on them. Now, on the manipulators, you can find five to eight buttons for different purposes.
Knowing the main types of mice, it is easy to make the right choice. The main thing is that the device performs the task assigned to it regularly and for a long time. There is no need to buy an expensive mouse if it is used solely for acquaintance with information on social networks.