A dump is data that is selected from the database in a consistent state, in the form of an instant list, they are intended for backing up the database. The dump format is not tied to a specific server version, unlike the working database files themselves.

skills in working with MySql
Step 1
Import the database dump into the Denver site database. An operation that is easily performed on the hoster's server cannot be performed in Denver, since there is no Import button in the phpMyAdmin control panel. Download the latest phpMyAdmin. Replace the files in the folder located under the path home / localhost / www / Tools / phpmyadmin with the files that are in the distribution. After that, the Import button should appear in the phpMyAdmin control panel, which is required to import the dump.
Step 2
Open php.ini file in usr / local / php5 directory with notepad. Increase the following parameters in this file: maximum memory size, maximum amount of time for each script, maximum mail data size, maximum file size for uploading. This is necessary in order to import the database without problems if it is large. Restart Apache.
Step 3
Go to your phpMyAdmin control panel, click the Import button. If the database dump is large and cannot be loaded using phpMyAdmin, use the following. Create a new database in MySQL, enter a new user. Go to the usr / local / mysql / data folder - a folder should appear in it, which is named the same as your new database. In it, MySQL saves the files of the new database. Copy the files from the old database to this folder, restart Denver.
Step 4
Import the database using the console. Enter the following code in the command line: mysql -u myuser -p <dump.sql, after that you will be prompted for the MySQL user password, enter the password to import the database dump. After that, a command interpreter prompt will appear, in which Myuser is the Mysql username, and Dump is your database dump. If prompted for a database name, enter mysql -u myuser -p "Enter Database Name" <dump.sql.