There are several ways to speed up file downloads. Usually, when the speed is lower than the declared one, it is far from the fact that the whole point is in the Internet connection. Sometimes this is due to the fact that technical work is being carried out on the server. But if not, then you need to check some technical guidelines.

Step 1
First of all, if the speed seemed to you much slow, even lower than the one for which you pay money, then you should not resort to "quick solutions" using questionable websites. The fact is that when they try to solve a problem with a request to a search service like "increase the speed of the Internet", then quite often the answers appear "a program to increase the speed". If you have a good security system installed, then most likely this program will not even be able to download, since the system will immediately find a virus in it. But if you download this, then at best it will require you to "send an SMS to number such and such" or not even start, but will activate a virus in your operating system. In any case, such a method should in no way be used to speed up.
Step 2
If it seems to you that the speed of the Internet connection is much lower than the one declared for the tariff plan, then this can be easily checked. An online speed test will do (following the link to complete the test, the speed will actually be lower than the stated one, then before informing the provider about this, you need to try a few more times. And then, if the situation does not change, you should contact the technical support of users. Or call or write to the technical support section of your provider's forum.
Step 3
Slow download speeds can be caused by old software. For example, the "standard" download manager of Internet Explorer does not support resuming, it often breaks, the speed is slower than usual, etc. However, this rule, unfortunately, applies to most "standard" managers. That is why it is better to download an alternative one (for example, Download Master).
Step 4
Sometimes your connection speed may differ from your download speed for other reasons. If the server is undergoing technical work or is overloaded, then the speed will be lowered by itself, and the situation will be corrected only with time.