To check the speed in a local network, you can transfer a large amount of information from one computer to another. By measuring the transmission time, it is easy to determine the speed. However, it is more efficient to use a special program to measure speed.

2 computers, IPERF program
Step 1
To test the LAN speed using IPERF, you will need:
• 2 computers (one server, another client) connected to the network and with the specified IP addresses;
• itself, iperf (Linux, Windows versions) on each computer, moreover, they must ping;
• to test a specific port (TCP or UDP), you need to open access to this port.
Step 2
To increase the accuracy of measuring the baud rate on both computers, you should:
• Close all programs that send data over the network;
• Close all possible programs to provide the required potential of the processor and memory;
• Set the appropriate permissions in the firewall settings for the tested ports;
• Document the results obtained.
Step 3
When all of the above is done, then it is necessary to start the program. First the server side, then the client side. For the server, start iperf with the following parameters: iperf -s -p 80 (-s is the server computer, -p 80 indicates that TCP port 80 is being tested. To test the UDP port, set the -u flag: iperf -s -u - p 80).
Step 4
On the client computer, iperf is started with the following parameters: iperf -c -p 80 -t 120 (-c indicates the client part, is the ip-address of the server computer, -t 120 indicates the LAN testing time during 120 seconds (2 minutes)).
Step 5
LAN speed testing can be done in several ways.
Transfer a large file (700MB or more) via FTP or HTTP and measure the file transfer time, then divide the file size in megabytes by the time spent on transfer (in seconds) and, accordingly, get the channel speed of megabytes per second,
Step 6
To test the LAN speed, use the special. programs. For example, the program is IPERF ( You can find out about it on the Internet.