The PlayStation 3 was released in 2006. Until 2013, many great video games were created, despite the poor-quality hardware of the console. In 2013, the next generation console, the PlayStation 4, was released. It has a powerful set of functions and new opportunities for both gamers and game developers.

Step 1
The Nvidia 7800 graphics card was built into the PlayStation 3. It was the best graphics card at the time. The PlayStation 4 has an integrated AMD Radeon graphics card that has 1Gb memory and supports DirectX11. In addition, it has a capacity of 1.84 teraflols. The next generation graphics card will allow developers to create games with incredible and realistic graphics in the near future. The console also has additional video memory, which is very important for developers.
Step 2
The new BluRay drive and removable hard drive built into the PS 4 are about 6 times faster than those of the PS 3. The changes are not so great, but the PlayStation 4 system supports discs with better picture quality and higher capacity.
Step 3
PS 3 had just meager built-in RAM - only 256 megabytes. Even modern smartphones have much more memory. Despite this, the developers were able to create an exclusive for the PS 3 (for example, Last Of Us). The new generation console has 8 Gb GDDR5 memory, which is about 30 times the memory of the previous generation console. PS 4 is much faster and smoother, the console starts up in seconds.
Step 4
The PS 3 controller had built-in Wi-Fi, but the Dualshock 4 also has Bluetooth for communicating with devices such as the iPad. These gadgets can be used both for controlling the PlayStation and for new possibilities in video games.
Step 5
The PlayStation 3 had a low-quality processor from IBM. The latest Sony Jahuar 64-bit processor is built into the new Sony console. Its frequency is 2 GHz, it has as many as 8 cores. This processor is much faster than PS 3. This is very important for both users and developers.
Step 6
The function of downloading any content in the background was not available to PlayStation 3 owners, however, creating a new generation console, the developers have corrected their mistakes. Now the user can easily play any game and simultaneously download other content. Users will no longer spend a lot of time just downloading the game.
Step 7
The design of the PlayStation 3 was pretty good - it looked pretty good, but it turned out to be too big. The new generation console, that is, the PlayStation 4, is several times more compact than the PS 3. In addition, the design is excellent, all ports are in almost invisible places and do not interfere with anyone.