How to choose the best computer - this question is faced by every person who goes to the computer for the first time. Before you buy your first PC, you need to know certain factors that will enable you to decide which computer to use.

It is necessary
Free time
Step 1
It should be noted right away that the question "how to choose the best computer" is not entirely correct in itself. The concept of "the best computer" can be interpreted differently by each person, based on this, when choosing a personal computer, you should rely on yourself, rather than on the advice of people around you or vendors. As for the sellers, you shouldn't listen to them at all. the main goal of every sales manager is precisely to sell a product, and whether it is suitable for your purposes or not, this is already a secondary issue.
Step 2
First of all, ask yourself a question - why do you need a computer. If you want to buy a PC for entertainment, you will need to pay attention to some of its characteristics, if for work, then the characteristics should be completely different. One way or another, the main requirement for a computer in both cases will be its high performance. You can combine a work PC and an entertainment PC by purchasing a PC with the following specifications.
Step 3
So the "best computer" must have at least a four-core processor, which must be accompanied by at least six gigabytes of RAM and two gigabytes of video card memory. In addition, the PC must also provide for work with the USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 interfaces, and be equipped with a powerful CD-DVD drive with support for writing information to discs. As for the hard drive, it is advisable to choose a high-speed model with more than 512 gigabytes of memory. In this case, your PC is ideal for both work and play.