One of the best gifts for the New Year is a virtual reality helmet. It should be noted that such a present can be chosen even if the budget planned for gifts is very small.

The first of those available on the market appeared the simplest cardboard helmets, which would more accurately be called a VR headset. Such a helmet meant that a smartphone works as a screen and a computer. The helmet itself was an ordinary cardboard cut out in the shape of the head of an average user, with rigidly fixed lenses (which, accordingly, cannot be adjusted to the characteristics of the eyes of each user). A significant advantage of such a helmet is the low price and ease of working with it. A nice addition - many companies that sell such helmets offer to brand the product, that is, any buyer can order a batch of helmets with their own images.
The Chinese version of the VR helmet, which combines low cost and good functionality, will cost a little more. This is no longer a cardboard craft, but an almost real plastic helmet that looks like a top-developed one. In such helmets, you can often find a built-in display (that is, they are designed to be connected to a PC), a gyroscope, and a sound reproduction system. In addition to the reasonable price, such a helmet is not very demanding on the performance of a PC or phone.
The most expensive option is a "real" virtual reality headset, which requires a powerful enough computer to run. They are equipped with tracking sensors and tracking systems for a full-fledged game, create a "cool" picture on the built-in screens, thus delighting gamers with beautiful virtual worlds. However, the cost of even not very expensive models of VR helmets does not fit into the gift budget of an average family, especially if you choose gifts of this kind not only for one own child, but also for nephews, cousins and sisters. But, on the other hand, manufacturers are not limited to commercially available gadgets, but promise new, even more modern ones, that is, we can expect that prices for not the newest and flagship models will fall.
So, is it worth buying such a gift or looking for something else? If you want to try virtual reality "to taste", but the family budget is small, then buying an inexpensive helmet is definitely worth it. Despite all its disadvantages, it will be able to give you the opportunity to watch VR from the inside for a fairly moderate amount and will allow you to understand how much you need a more expensive helmet for games. The same advice can be given to those who have an unlimited family budget.