On the Odnoklassniki social network, you can not only congratulate your friend with a personal or public message, but also give him a gift for the holiday. The user will receive not only a message about the presented present, the surprise will be displayed on the avatar when it is accepted. You have to pay for such gifts, and therefore many are interested in how to send a gift to Odnoklassniki for free.

How to send a gift to Odnoklassniki
To make a nice surprise for a user of the social network "Odnoklassniki", log in to your profile and find the person you need in your friends list.
Under his photo you will see a menu with the line “Make a gift”. By clicking on it, you will be taken to the surprise selection menu. From a huge number of various souvenirs, you can probably choose the one that best suits the occasion and satisfies the wishes of a friend.
Gifts are not free, but because of this, they do not lose their popularity. It is easy to pay for them using SMS, and their cost is relatively low. At the same time, you can choose a more expensive musical present, a premium gift of an average cost and a regular souvenir for about 20 rubles.
After choosing a gift for a friend in Odnoklassniki, click on it. In the window that opens, you can see how your surprise will look next to the avatar of the gifted one. In the same menu, you can add a message to the gift, for example, a congratulation on a solemn date or a declaration of love.
Here, the gift can be made both public and private.
After selecting all the necessary settings, click on the "Submit" button.
The amount required for a souvenir will be debited from your account, and the gift will immediately go to its addressee. If there is not enough money, the system will offer you to top up your account.
Can I send a gift to Odnoklassniki for free?
Most of the users of the social network argue that it is impossible to give gifts to each other for free, but this is not entirely true.
Often, various promotions are held on the site when it is allowed to send gifts without payment. For example, for the holiday on May 9, you can send St. George ribbons to several of your friends. Often, actions take place both before the New Year and before International Women's Day on March 8th.
In addition, you can send a free gift to Odnoklassniki through special applications by attaching a picture on the wall or to a personal message. He, of course, will not be displayed on the avatar, but he will still be able to please his addressee.