How To Repair A Hard Drive

How To Repair A Hard Drive
How To Repair A Hard Drive

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Winchester is one of the most important parts of any computer. It is he who contains all the information that is usually very important and necessary for the user. If a hard drive breaks down, a person can lose much more than ten times the monetary value of the disk.

How to repair a hard drive
How to repair a hard drive


Step 1

If the computer stopped seeing hard for no obvious reason, then the first thing to do is disconnect the computer from the mains supply and carry out a general cleaning inside the case, pay special attention to adapters and connecting wires (cables). A fairly common problem is when dust accumulates in the connectors of the cables, and some parts stop functioning. Winchester is also no exception in this case. Remove it from the system unit, then thoroughly clean and blow each adapter and entrance on the hard drive. Now plug it back in and restart your computer.

Step 2

If such cleaning did not help, then remove the hard drive again, take a curly screwdriver and unscrew the screws holding the cover on the disk and remove it. Check the internal circuit for cracks, chips or other obvious damage. If everything is outwardly in order, thoroughly clean the inside of the hard drive and connect it to the computer when finished.

Step 3

If the computer also does not see the hard drive, then regardless of whether any defects were found inside the disk or not, go straight to the computer repair service center. Most likely, you will not be denied repairs, and moreover, it will most likely end in success, but be prepared for the fact that the cost of repairs may be comparable to the cost of a new hard drive. For this reason, if the warranty period has expired, and there is no particularly important information on the hard drive, then consider whether the repair is worth the cost of it.

Step 4

If you were refused repair, and the information on the hard drive is important to you or dear to you, then try to find amateur specialists on the Internet. For example, some programmers often offer assistance with recovering information from "dead" media. Naturally, there is no guarantee of the reliability of this method, but if there is no other choice, then you should try this method as well.
