On the social network Vkontakte, you can put likes on photos and posts. Many users want to win various contests based on voting results or just appear popular by getting a lot of likes when changing their avatars. In order for a post or photo to quickly get a lot of hearts, learn how to wind up Vkontakte likes.

How to wind up Vkontakte likes on a photo
You can get Vkontakte likes if you participate in a photo contest or changed your ava, you can free of charge by sending a request to your friends to click on the heart under the photo. This can be done by posting the corresponding post on your wall. People who are subscribed to your updates will see it in the news and will be able, after spending a few seconds, to respond to your call. If the photo is posted in any group, you can repost to your wall with a special button in the form of a horn, adding a comment to the message.
Unfortunately, not all Vkontakte users view the news. If you want to make asking for likes more effective, send them private messages. Most caring friends should respond to your call.
There may not be too many friends to get a lot of likes. In this case, you need to ask others, perhaps strangers, to put a heart under the photo. If your friends repost the photo on their page with a request to like the picture, their subscribers will be able to support you by increasing the number of likes of the Vkontakte photo.
If you are not a modest enough person and have a significant amount of time, you can try asking to like the photos of those users who are on the online social network by sending them the corresponding text in a personal message.
However, this method can hardly be called effective in order to wind up Vkontakte likes, since not every person will respond to a stranger's request. Yes, and Vkontakte has a limit on the number of messages sent to "not friends" per day.
The social network has communities and applications that allow you to exchange likes with each other. To get the cherished hearts, type the corresponding request in the search for groups, join popular communities and ask for mutual likes of users.
How to wind up Vkontakte likes on a record
If you need to get a lot of likes on your post, you can use the same methods as for cheating free likes on photos.
It is also worth considering the options for increasing likes, which are charged for.
So, you can turn to special cheat sites, for example, likest.tu. To use this method, you need to register on the portal and click hearts at the request of other users. Thus, you will receive hearts on your account, which will return like the created task.
You can quickly wind up likes on Vkontakte using special programs. An example is the Viking Botovod. The point of such applications is that they trigger a viral promotion. The program is paid, like most other similar services. However, a limited demo version can be used. To use the service, you need to install the file, add your account to the program, logging in with your password and username.
In order not to be blocked by the Vkontakte administration for cheating, as well as to protect yourself from hacking the page by intruders, it is advisable to use such services from an unnecessary account.
In the program settings, check the boxes you need and start the cheat by clicking "Ok".
Thus, it is quite simple to wind up Vkontakte likes, because there are many both paid and free opportunities for this. However, remember that winning the competition as a result of cheating may not be counted, and such popularity is only imaginary.