Most of the applications running on a computer do not require constant attention from the user. A person can tear himself away from the monitor, do other things, and then return to work again without fear that the data on the computer will change or disappear. Then what is the pause button for?

The pause button is provided in those applications where there is a continuous process that requires constant attention from the user. This is often seen in computer games, where time is counted or the gameplay involves dynamics and development. It would be extremely inconvenient to save the game and exit programs every time the user needs to take their minds off the screen. Pause helps to avoid unnecessary actions: restarting the game and loading a previously saved scene. The pause button saves time. Moreover, in some games, saving to an arbitrary place is impossible, you must reach the checkpoint specially provided for saving. In games, the pause button is most often located on the P or Space key. It stops the running process and retains the view and conditions that were in effect at the moment the pause was turned on, unchanged until the user presses the pause button again. In certain games, you can switch from pause to active mode using the Esc key. In a number of games, an alternative to the pause button is the map view mode (the main character's inventory, his skills and abilities). When the player is in view mode, the game stops. Control buttons can be located on different keyboard keys or mouse buttons. Enter your game customization mode to verify this information. Some programs have a pause button in the Setup Wizard window. Its purpose is the same as in games: to pause the process without closing the installation windows. If you need to leave your computer indefinitely, freeze the installer. When you return, you do not have to start installing the application again. It will resume from the point at which it was interrupted.