The lack of reaction of the laptop to pressing the power button can be caused by a malfunction of the button itself, the motherboard, the battery, the power supply and its cords. Some of these problems can be corrected at home.

Step 1
If the laptop battery is completely discharged or defective, it may appear as a malfunction of the computer itself. Try to power it from the power supply. If it turns on, leave it for a few hours to recharge the battery. If you find out that it still cannot work in autonomous mode, change the battery. You can also remove it - the laptop will still run on the power supply. But you can put on and take off the battery only when the unit is disconnected.
Step 2
In case the laptop, on the contrary, works only on battery power, and does not respond to the connection of the power supply, turn off the machine immediately so that the battery does not discharge completely. Then check the power supply. Unplug it from the machine, then plug in a 24-volt multi-watt light bulb. It should light up. If it does not, locate and repair the open in one of the high voltage or low voltage cords. Perform dialing and soldering by first pulling out the plug from the socket. Insulate all the resulting connections carefully. If it turns out that the unit itself is faulty, entrust its repair to a person with the appropriate knowledge and skills, as well as familiar with the safety measures that should be taken when repairing such units.
Step 3
To check the power button itself, remove the false panel located above it. Only resort to complete disassembly of the laptop if it is impossible to get to the button without it. If you are not confident in your abilities, disassemble and assemble the machine for the first time under the supervision and guidance of an experienced craftsman. Disassemble the computer with the power supply disconnected and the battery removed. Ring the button in the released and pressed position. If it does not close when pressed, unsolder it and replace it with the same one. Then reassemble the laptop in reverse order.
Step 4
A malfunctioning motherboard can manifest itself as a malfunction of any of the above components. If, despite the corresponding symptoms, the suspicious component turns out to be in fact working (for example, the power supply or battery turns out to be functional when tested on another laptop of the same type), disassemble the computer, remove the motherboard, send it in for repair, or buy the same, and then reassemble the laptop in reverse order.