Plugins for the Mozilla Firefox browser are written using the C ++ programming language. Such additional utilities significantly improve the functionality of the browser, making it more adaptable to modern Internet resources.

a program for writing code
Step 1
Learn the C ++ programming language if you haven't already. For this, the textbook by Ritchie and Kernighan works very well. It will take a lot of time, and it is also desirable that there is a person in your environment who can explain to you all the main points of object-oriented and generalized programming.
Step 2
Download and install the SDK (Software Development Kit) program on your computer. This development tool is used to write plugins for the Mozilla Firefox browser. Write plugin code for Mozilla Firefox. In doing so, you need the browser source code. Since it is open source, you can browse it on the internet, please note that it can be different for different operating systems.
Step 3
After you write a Firefox plugin, check it for bugs. Create a full-fledged installer from the source code, and then save them together on a removable drive so as not to lose in the future. Install it in the Mozilla Firefox browser, test its operation, and then, if necessary, post it on the Internet for others to use. Before that, be sure to check it for viruses.
Step 4
If there are any changes in the operation of the Mozilla Firefox browser, for example, when a new version is released, check the correctness of the plug-in you have written. If necessary, rewrite it from the source you saved, taking into account the changes made in the operation of the Mozilla Firefox program. Do not distribute malicious code with Mozilla Firefox plugins, also be careful using third-party browser add-ons, this will help you protect your computer and information that you usually work with on the Internet.